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Whole Lotta Shifting Going On! Yep, even MORE shift is hitting the fan. Excellent summary of our current astrology...

Hello...I will not usually be making such long posts but this one was such a thorough and excellent summmary of the current astrology, put together by my friend and colleague, Tomar Levine, that I wanted to share this with you. To help you prepare and open to these powerful energies, I am hosting an intimate Virtual retreat on Dec 19 (evening) and Dec 20 (day time). Please email me at for more info. And now, from Tomar: Greetings, fellow cosmic traveler ~ Is this month the beginning of a new reality? (Read on and find out.) We are certainly going through a portal. But portals are not just ‘one and done.’ Not just a simple doorway you pass through. They are more like corridors... with many doors. More like a birth canal. We are in that now. You can think of the whole coronavirus reality as the squeezing and tightening of muscles pushing us forward, out of one world into another. A difficult birth. You may have heard about the major astrological p
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Back to Blogging - with a whole new groove!

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3 Eclipses in June/July--expect a wild ride!

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